Write for Us
Write for us / Guest Posting
We welcome individual writers and bloggers to write for us and contribute high-quality content to the Leave Dates blog.
We accept original articles (not published anywhere else) with content based on your professional experiences and expertise.
Please read our guest writing guidelines before submitting articles.
Guidelines to Follow for Article Submission
Choose topics: Before Pitching for your article submission, kindly go through our articles and come up with three unique content ideas that you’re most passionate about writing a kick-ass, well researched, in-depth article.
Allocating topic: After pitching for article submission, we will choose a topic from your given suggestions and allocate you to write on.
We prefer submissions as Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft.
Word Limit: We only allow articles that contain at least 500 words.
Formatting subheads: Give proper titles, H1, and H2 tags as required.
Add Links: Add 1-2 external links
Plag free: 100% plagiarism-free
Author: You can include a personal photo and the author’s short bio.
Outline of content: Outline the content and give a proper small brief about it.
Approval time: Hence it is a sponsored post, the Top suggestion will get approved and intimate you via email in 1-2 business days.
Revision: Once an article is published, We do not allow Revisions, if it is highly required we can make changes from our end.
If everything goes well, we will publish your article within a week and will email you the article link.
Whom do we allow to publish?
We accept only individual writers, startup companies, Professional Writers, or Freelancers to write for us. We prefer content from Bloggers, Startup founders, and creators who have in-depth knowledge rather than a general base of business, startup, or marketing.
Your writing should demonstrate that you’re able to offer unique, tactical insights, inspired based upon your hands-on experience; posts that offer advice, Experiences, How to, Innovations, success stories, etc.
What is Guest Posting or “write for us” all about and What are the benefits of it?
Guest posting in simple words can be understood as writing content for another company’s website. Many websites invite and allow authors for guest posting or sponsored posts. Even they have a dedicated page for guest posting named “write for us”. In most cases, guest bloggers or writers approach websites of the same niche or industry in order to get
- High Back Traffic
- Increases website domain authority
- Increased Brand Awareness and Visibility
- And help in creating connections within the same industry
It should be noted that Guest blogging or “write for us” or sponsored posts not only benefits the writer but also the website hosting the guest content.
Why is guest posting important for your business?
“Write for us” or guest posting is one of the most popular Seo strategies that every company is utilizing for a long time. It provides a number of benefits for any type of business. It will help you to give a stage to showcase your expertise and valuable ideas/knowledge So that you get a stronghold yourself as an authority figure within your market. Helping in building relationships with market leaders and increasing your audience.
It will be also a Beneficial platform for upcoming writers or emerging businesses to grow and grow their roots across the market.
- Then what are you waiting for! Write For Us Today.
- Use the contact form below to get in touch. You will receive a feedback today.
- Please contact us for sponsored posts only. Get in touch for information about our prices.
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